apple us

Thirty years later Apple gave us the iPhone .
What Apple teaches us today , everyone will do the same thing in a few years .
So I asked her , " Could you , like , literally carve some ears out of an apple for us ? "
In the past , Apple used US dollars as a unit of measure when it settled for App developers and converted to RMB when it was settled for domestic developers .
The tainted version of Xcode was downloaded from a server in China that developers may have used because it allowed for faster downloads than using Apple 's US servers , Olson said .
Some investors fear the gadget will lure buyers away from Apple 's US $ 499 flagship 9.7-inch iPad , while proving ineffective in fighting the threat of Amazon 's US $ 199 Kindle Fire and Google 's Nexus 7 .
Apple computer gave us a trainning in the Cuigong hotel .
But you cannot take on Apple in the US or other major markets by doing the same thing as Apple .
No other company is anywhere near being able to match Apple in providing us with such seamless curation of our lives .
Meanwhile , apple , the US technology company , set a new standard in turning the mobile Internet into a user-friendly experience with its much hyped iPhone .
Nokia is suffering rising scepticism about its services strategy because it has let apple , the US technology company , secure a significant first-mover advantage .
On Wednesday , the smartphone maker used some of its newly acquired intellectual property to file countersuits against Apple in two US courts .
It was as if the old apple tree gathering us under its boughs for the dual purpose of acquaintanceship and shared wonder .
In August I guess , or in July , Apple approached to us and wanted to feature our app on their iPhone commercials .
Hence its anger about being accused of tax dodging : where others see billions in unpaid Irish taxes , Apple and the US government see future US ones .
Bill Gates has broken ranks with Silicon Valley in the stand-off between Apple and the US government , saying technology companies should be forced to co-operate with law enforcement in terrorism investigations .
Mr Comey made an emotional appeal to Apple and the US public on Sunday in a blog post on legal site Lawfare , saying the case was " quite narrow " and not intended to set a precedent .
That position will be harder to maintain after the publication of a letter from Apple to the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration , as part of the regulator 's regular dialogue with manufacturers about its rules for the fast-developing technology .
The comment from the chairman of one of the world 's biggest lenders underlines the risk for large technology groups such as Alibaba in China and Apple in the US that they could face stricter regulation as they move further into financial services .
Nokia , the world 's largest mobile phone maker , has so far struggled to match the success of Apple , the US maker of the iPhone , in selling music and other services through high-end mobile phones in Europe and North America .
This afternoon , she gave an apple to each of us .
White are the flowers of Apple tree that brings us fruits of fertility .
He seemed most rapt in describing how much closer together the Apple Watch will bring us all .
It 's such an important part of who we are at Apple , and inspires us in everything we create and do .
Members of Lifestage , currently only available on Apple devices in the US , upload pictures and videos based around feelings , likes and dislikes .
This annual CCTV programme last March targeted Apple , accusing the US company of offering Chinese consumers warranties that were not comparable to those available internationally .
Apple has defeated a US government attempt to force it to unlock an iPhone as part of a criminal investigation into a drugs case , handing it an important victory in the first test case on the issue .
Two weeks ago , HTC said customs authorities had stopped imports of some of its models to ensure they did not infringe an Apple patent that a US Trade Commission last year said HTC had violated .
WhatsApp has joined Apple in defying the US government 's efforts to gain access to mobile phone users " private messages by rolling out tough encryption protections that will prevent law enforcement agencies from snooping on its more than 1bn users .